
/Gameplay & level design/

Affordances are clues about how an object should be used, typically provided by the object itself or its context.

a.g.l (artificial game lengtheners):

/gameplay & design/

An unavoidable animation, QTE, or minigame that adds to a game’s runtime.

Animation Blending:


This is when you blend one or more animations as smooth as possible.

Animation Snapping:


This is when you let animations instantly snap rather than blend.


/game feel/

The pervading tone or mood your game expresses to the player.



The art of photography and camerawork in film-making or cutscenes.



When players learn or improve by not processing the individual pieces or states of the game but rather thinking in terms of high-level chunks instead.

coyote time:


A technique used in platformers where after a player walks off a ledge, there is a second of invisible ground for them to jump from.



A non interactive cinematice moment.

Damage boost:


A few seconds of invincibility after taking damage.

Dominant strategy:


A clear exploit that makes other strategies irrelevant and reduces the game's depth.

Feedback Forgiveness:

/Game feel/

This is a curious psychological effect that perfectly compliments the use of animation snapping. Essentially if the player pushes a button or analog stick and receives an immediate reaction, all is forgiven, the somewhat glitchy or unrealistic movements that may be caused by the use of snapping seems to not register in a player’s mind. However, ignoring these limits will put you out of the Feedback Forgiveness zone. - Tameem Antoniades


/animation & modelling/

A relatively lower-quality character model is used for gameplay.



An activity that requires at least one player, has rules, a clear objective & has a win and/or lose condition.

Game design:

/design, gameplay & game feel/

The conception and design of rules and structures result in players' experience.

HitBox Animation Combat System:

/animation & gameplay/

This is when the player can attack freely regardless of enemy distance or placement.

Hitbox Weapon:


This is when an enemy's attack is a physical object. Damage is dealt only when touched.

Hitscan Weapon:


This is when an enemy’s attack damages the player immediately if they are in line with the said attack. Damage is dealt as soon as the enemy pulls the trigger.


/Game feel/

Deep mental involvement in something.

Interactive frequency:


The rate at which the player interacts with your game.


/level design/

Jump Puzzle.

Ludonarrative dissonance:

/narrative & gameplay/

The conflict between a video game's narrative and its gameplay.

Ludonarrative Synergy:

/narrative & gameplay/

The harmony between a video game's narrative and its gameplay.


/animation & modelling/

A high-quality character model used for cutscenes.

Orthogonal Unit Differentiation:


Different elements in a game have unique attributes. Enemies, for example, should have a distinct, consistent and discernable behavior that can be learned. This makes players start playing intentionally and making meaningful decisions. Not just randomly reacting to what's going on.

Orphaned verb:


An orphaned verb has no relationship to other verbs, so by the time players reach the one situation that demands it, they have already forgotten about it.

Paired Animation Combat System:

/animation & gameplay/

While attacking, the player avatar and an enemy NPC come together, play an animation, and move apart.

Playable Cinematography:


The art of photography and camerawork is in a fully playable section that does not hinder or remove player control.

Possibility Space:


All the things that can be done in a game.


/Design & level design/

An earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide is to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.



Quick Time Event.

suspension of disbelief:

/Game feel/

The sacrifice of realism and logic for the sake of enjoyment.



When an enemy gives advanced notice of an incoming attack.

Utility Belt Design:


A free-form system where all tools can lead to one another.



The actions that a player can perform in a game.

Versatile Verbs:


An action that can have multiple uses, depending on how it is performed or combined.

Video Game


A game that is played on a video screen.


/Level design/

The “weenie” is an architectural concept named as such by "Disney Imagineering" in describing "visual magnets" that draw guests from one area to another.